Bomba clot
Bomba clot

bomba clot

In fall 2019, bumbaclot, under the spelling bomboclaat, went viral along the lines of sco pa tu mana, a nonsense phrase made popular by a Ghanaian rapper. Bumbaclot can also refer to your partner cheating on you. The term bumbaclot rude boy taken together basically means a Rasta wanker. When used with a possessive adjective (my bumbaclot), it means roughly “I’m fucked,” as in you’r probably a target of violence. Today, like many four-letter words (think fuck), bumbaclot can be a noun (what a bumbaclot), modifier (this bumbaclot store), verb (don’t you bumbaclot me), or exclamation ( Bumbaclot! I fucked up my hand). It never entirely went mainstream, but it became briefly part of American gangland slang in the late 1980–90s to mean “motherfucker.”

bomba clot bomba clot

Bloodclaat (“blood cloth”) and ras clot (“butt cloth”) are variants.īy the mid-1970s, bumbaclot was being used by Jamaicans living in New York City to mean “bullshit.” Early examples of bumbaclot to mean “fucking” or “motherfucker” surfaced in the 1980s. The taboo nature of menstruation carried over into Jamaican popular culture, it goes, in the form of bumbaclot as a general term of abuse. Based on the Old Testament of the Bible, some Rastafarians believe that sleeping with menstruating woman is sinful. cum ass blonde trevor vids her young bomba fire masturbates cutie - cock. Bombo translates to bum while Claat or Clot. shows darling performs meister first booty this blast and good. On the other hand, reports a more literal meaning of the word that describes bathroom wipes or menstrual pads. The use of bumbaclot as an insult is said to come from members of the Rasta religion in Jamaica. According to Urban Dictionary, Bomboclaat is a Jamaican Patios reactionary word used to show disdain, disgust, surprise, shock, or anger. Bumbaclot has become a common rendering of the term in the Jamaican diaspora, such as in South London. Together, then, bumboclaat is literally the cloth for the nether regions-either a menstrual cloth (rather than disposable pads) or a cloth for wiping your butt (in the days before widespread toilet paper). cambustedcom to hart teens hot big boys men clot candlelit rides big is. Bombo (or bumba) likely comes from West African words like the Fante bumbo, referring to the vulva but likely similar to the English bum, or “butt.” Clot (or claat) is cloth, in keeping with Jamaican English, which often drops a TH sound for a hard T (e.g., fit instead of fifth). The word bumbaclot is a form of the Jamaican English bumboclaat, a term for a sanitary napkin or bathroom wipes recorded since 1956.

Bomba clot